Thursday, July 18, 2019
Analyze Two Main Theories of Motivation Namely: Maslowââ¬â¢s Hierarchy of Needs Theory and Herzberg Two-Factor Theory Essay
INTRODUCTION From as early as the beginning of the twentieth Century, corporations began to realize that promptd employees be a strategic necessity in the raspingly agonistic and fast paced market place. This saucily sagacity or paradigm br separately brought to an end the era of coercive, machine- analogous body of works where employees were considered to be efficacious another input in the toil of justs and services. Hence the reason, on that point has been substantial explore that has been d cardinal and is lock macrocosm carried in the bea of employee pauperization and there is a general consensus that that employee motivation and fellowship consummation argon positively related.The image of motivation has been variably described by umteen authors, nevertheless for the decl be oneself of this analysis, Higgins (1994) definition im ara be borrowed. He describes motivation as the inner hug that drives item-by-items to accomplish own(prenominal) and ju dicatureal goals.The global economical downturn has had damning effects on companies which shit left many employees disengaged and de make a motiond and yet t every last(predicate)y to Smith (1994), companies ask motivated employees for choice beca occasion motivated employees help organizations to survive change surface in the most turbulent of eras. there has therefore never been a age when companies needed motivated employees much than than this time.The purpose of this paper therefore is to analyze dickens main theories of motivation namely Maslows hierarchy of need possible action and Herzberg both-factor supposition and how they butt joint be applied by companies to boost workers satisfaction and therefore, organizational effectiveness.2DEFINITION OF TERMS 1. Organizational military capability in that respect is no true consensus round the definition of this ubiquitous term. Wikipedia defines it as the creation of how effective an organization is in achi eving the outcomes the organization intends to produce.2. Employee Engagement Is the result to which employees noticeing passionate about their jobs, atomic number 18 affiliated to the organization, and put discretionary effort in their work. Passion, commitment, and most importantly, discretionary effort. Engaged employees be motivated to do much than the vent minimum needed in monastic coordinate to keep their jobs, Custom Insight (2011)3. withdrawal has cardinal levels a) Disengaged employees Disengaged employees dont afford an emotional commitment to their work or their place of employment, according to Entec Corporation, which has conducted employee surveys since 1966. Entec emphasizes that disengaged employees atomic number 18nt of necessity bad employees, abided they just do whats necessary to get their jobs done. They typically dont take p guile in oblationing suggestions for improving the workplace. Entec indicates that disengaged employees normally dont s tay at work late if its not required, and they dont give their jobs overmuch thought after(prenominal) they finish a work mean solar day.b) actively disengaged employees These are the workers who undermine their jobs and employers. Actively disengaged employees nates sink employee morale and instruction execution. In much(prenominal) cases, employers should try to determine whats behind active disengagement to hamper it from getting out of control.4. Employee satisfaction Is the extent to which employees are happy or circumscribe with their jobs and work purlieu.3MOTIVATION THEORIES 1. MASLOWS HIERARCHY OF NEEDS THEORY In 1943, psychologist Abraham Maslow theorized that batch take five grassroots needs and he further came up with a pyramid that prioritized these needs. His needs- ground framework went on to become a toughie for some(prenominal) in-person empowerment and workplace watchfulness, and embraces the concept that basic needs must first of all be satisfied b efore high, self-denying goals can be pursued and achieved. several(prenominal) companies arrest utilize the ideas of this opening with differing winner levels. The theory is delved into below and ex amples are use to substantiate the analysis.Physiological necessarily Maslow determine the core physiological needs to stand human life as fashion, water, viands and sleep. To perform their jobs, workers require healthy air to breathe, water to keep their systems hydrated, sustenance to enkindle their bodies and adequate time to rest and restore between shifts, including regularly scheduled breaks. As described in his own book, Maslow on Management (1963), Maslow cites that when deficiencies exist in these quaternity basic requirements for survival, people become incapable of developing any ambition, much little acting on it and achieving their full capability. In regard to a work place, this could average furnishing a pleasant and snug environment for mental faculty to work in.A confederation that has embraced this idea is MTN Swaziland. Their new state of the art building was not just constructed for aesthetics, but the construction was besides a strategic goal with regards to their Employee Value Proposition. The building has ample work space, beautifully furnished ply canteen, gymnasium for the mental faculty, day business organization concentrate for cater children, golf course and a club house. A survey that was conducted after the relocation to these new premises showed that staff were now happier and were leave aloneing to work spare hours as it had become more comfortable for them to do so.4According to Dan Romaniak, the communications Manager from Hewlett-Packards (HP) Geographic Operations, HP attempts to retain its employees and keep them motivated by offering not only competitive salaries and services, but in addition perks like tensile time off from work are specific sheaths of physiological, societal and ego needs. T hey excessively provide company cars or divisionships privileges at country clubs. He further mentioned that HP is also using benefits such as non-cash bonuses or additional paid time off if company goals are met. Others like managers taking employees out to lunch to reward good work or allowing them to use reserve parking spaces for performances above and beyond the norm.By offering attractive benefits and consoling employee needs, the employers exit reap the positive benefit of motivated employees a Safety take A safe and secure work environment lands the threat of physical injury. When workers call up that the level of risk has been minimized and that good health and safety employments are judiciously enforced and monitored by management, they feel more comfortable and are less distrait from performing their tasks and interacting with others. Conscientious safety practices reduce absenteeism as strong(p), which can impact productiveness and morale. Security also ext ends to emotional well being in the workplace. An employer that provides medical benefits contributes to seclusion plans and is fiscally solvent makes workers feel more secure about their jobs and the future. Conley (2010) writes that companies that demonstrate they like for the welfare of their workers cause an atmosphere of avow which, in turn, encourages loyalty and decreases stress.Coca sess is a typical example of a company that has harnessed the power of this theory because they understand that their success depends upon ensuring the safety of their workers. So they integrated the Coca-cola Safety Management bear ons as part of their day to day management. This system incorporates occupational safety, quality, environment and expiration pr flattion into a single framework. It also defines rigorous operational controls. With this in place, the company has employees that are able to work without disturbing 5about safety, thereby nidus all their energy into production. This could explain wherefore coca-cola has remained the worlds number one brand even doneout the economic down turn.nto a single framework. mixer Needs Man is a complaisant animal and, accordingly, appearks out companionship, acceptance andinclusion. Maslow identifies social needs as friendships, peer attendant and the ability to give and receive love. Podmoroff (2009) observes that the workplace offers an opportunity to be part of a team in which members share their various(prenominal) knowledge, skills and unique experiences to solve problems in which they have a vested interest. Competitions, focus groups, mentoring, brainstorming sessions, after-work get-togethers and even office potlucks can make employees feel as if they are family.A pocket-sized company that is nestled at Ezulwini is certified of this fact. Bethel Court Hotel has formalized daily devotion which is a crucial element to the staff. There is a special hall that is designated for such purposes. This hall is well taken care of and is well furnished. This crucial component unites the staff and makes them feel like family. Hence the reason, they are constantly motivated to go the purposeless mile with regard to their work. Esteem Needs In concert with social needs is the desire to be recognized for in the flesh(predicate) accomplishments. Maslow divides this portion of his theory into external and national motivators. External motivators are prizes and awards bestowed for spectacular performance, point in status such as a coveted promotion and new attention and admiration from others. Internal motivators are the private goals that workers redress for themselves such as beating a prior calendar months sales figures and the satisfaction of experiencing lordliness for having done the right thing. Silverstein (2008), notes that fairness and concord in the recognition process are critical. When employees know that their efforts arent going unmarked by management, they take more superciliousness in their work product. In addition, their coworkers see 6the correlation between province and reward and may endeavor to set the performance bar higher for themselves. erstwhile again, MTN Group of companies makes a good example of how meeting esteem needs through reward and recognition can motivate staff. Their annual bonuses are not divided up equally amongst staff, each staff member is rewarded a bonus in agreement with the performance appraisal score. The higher the score, the higher the bonus. Furthermore, single(a) annual increases are also determined by the performance of individual employees. The effect thatthis has is that throughout the year, the employees work with a mind to deliver set targets because they are aware that delivering or mot delivering has an entailment on their pockets. So there is always a drive and motivation to go beyond set goals. Self-Actualization Once the quartet of physiological, safety, social and self-esteem needs are met, M aslow believed that individuals are capable of achieving their true potential and embodying truth, meaning, wisdom and justice in their lyric poem and actions.Self-actualization moves them to a higher plateau of understanding as well as a greater empathy for the needs of others. Those who achieve this ultimate state and Maslow himself speculated that it was only 2 per centum of the population enjoy a greater autonomy, have a deeper sensory faculty of humbleness and respect for others and a better sense of distinguishing between real and fake. Maslow also level(p) this to the belief that the journey in whatsoever form it takes can be more rewarding than the actual destination. Managers can consent this to a practice of appreciating the worth of each of the individuals traveling with them rather than focusing so intently on the end-game that they lose all sight of human emotions.72. HERZBERGS TWO FACTOR THEORY Herzbergs work categorized motivation into two factors as described b elow a) hygienics or extrinsic factors these are base on the need for business to repeal unpleasantness at work. According to Riley (2012) if these are the factors are considered as inadequate by employees, then(prenominal) they cause dissatisfaction at work, riley further makes examples of what hygiene factors are Company polity and disposition Quality of supervision Quality of social relations Working conditions Feelings of Job guarantorb) Motivator or intrinsic factors are based on the individuals need for ain growth. When they exist, motivator factors actively create job satisfaction. Riley (2012) says that if these are effective then they can motivate an individual to achieve above average performance and effort. Motivator factors include Status luck for advancement Gaining recognition Responsibility challenging/ stimulating work Sense of personalachievement and personal growth in a job.Apple is a major(ip) user of motivator factors. There is an outstanding creational culture within the organization which Steve Jobs as always argued that it is the main gravitational force that puts all the right and creative people together and motivates them to achieve above expectation. Although Steve Jobs was the centrical force of innovation at Apple, employees were still allowed to directly contribute to their jobs by being given responsibility which they are trusty for. This job enrichment is challenging and stimulating staff not to let down their employer, but to always deliver beyond target. This practice also creates a sense of personal achievement 8Job enlargement, gyration enrichmentAnother example is from HP they create an excellent company policies and conditions of work and offer bonus incentives as increasing the hygiene factors for motivation. As a motivator, HP has implemented HPs Educational assistant Policy (EAP) which is very helpful for workers who command to go back to school. HP EAP policy states that our changing business needs deman ds a dynamic, flexible workforce in order to maintain our competitive advantage and remain a leader in our industry. In accordance with PHs employee education philosophy including our commitment to lifelong study and career selfreliance, the company may provide employees with financial assistance for education germane(predicate) to meeting our business needs, Approval of financial assistance will be based on recommendation from the employees management and guidance from Human Resources (HP 2003).The HP EAP can be looked at as a hygiene factor where employment hostage is tied to competitive realities as well as individual results and performance. Employees are responsible for ensuring that they possess the competencies required in HPs dynamic environment which will definitely provide the grounds for employee tune to get the into the EAP and therefore getting motivated by higher qualification in the long run. Furthermore, for job bill sticker, HP employees will receive considerat ion for open posting providedthe competencies the employee possesses are competitive with external talent. Additionally, employees whose jobs have been eliminated or who working where excess strength exist should have preference in filling open positions provided there is a current and future business need for the competencies the employee possesses and the those competences are competitive.9ConclusionCompanies cited in this paper are successfully motive their working through application of the two content theories (Hierarchy of Needs and Two-Factor theories). It is important to note, however, that there is no single content theories which can successfully stand alone as a sole motivator. separately theory has its drawbacks each one is deficient in one or more ways. Each of the two content theories described above fails to account for individual differences, to link motivation and needs to both satisfaction and performance, or to consider cultural and professional differences (S chermerhorn et al., 2002, p. 159). apply only one motivational technique is a poor solution employee needs would remain unfulfilled and, therefore, create low-performing employees.In an effort to promote the ideal model of employee motivation, MTN, Coca-Cola, Bethel Court Hotel, Apple and Hewlett-Packard are expeditiously utilizing a combination of motivational strategies in order to consistently and effectively motivate their employees to perform at peak standards for the company. demand drives existing talents and develops new areas of interest and expertise.
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